The first trailer for the upcoming Star Wars movie is meant to be released at some point over the next couple of days.. So it’s apt to look at a Star Wars themed carry on bag. (OK, that link is kind of tenuous, but I really wanted to write about this bag!) If you’re a […]
Avoiding Bulging Pockets
Like most men I have a wallet. I’ve had a wallet since I was a teenager. These days it holds some cash (bills), credit cards, frequent flier cards and a variety of other bits of paper that I pick up along the way. If I’m not careful it can easily end up becoming a bulging […]
Avoid Travel Stress By Making A List
If you travel a lot then you’ve probably got the entire packing and preparation thing down to a fine art. But even if you think you’re good at packing you will still find yourself forgetting things. I’ve opened my suitcase more than once to discover that I’ve forgotten business cards, clothes and a whole range […]
Avoiding Crazy Data Charges While Travelling
One of the bigger challenges when you’re travelling overseas are data charges. While you might be able to access wifi in your hotel and in some coffee shops and restaurants, it’s not a “given” that you’ll have access to free (or affordable) wifi when you’re on the road. (I’ve found at times that even though […]
Avoiding Some Silly Hotel Extras
When you’re “on the road” you end up living out of a suitcase a lot of the time. And it’s often far too easy to “take advantage” of the “extras” that many hotels offer. Unless the “extras” are free you are going to be paying through the nose for the “convenience”. Case in point – […]